Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Product Review: INKnBURN's Flutter

I love INKnBURN’s clothing because it is art on apparel.  It’s quality apparel made in the good ‘ol US of A!  One of my favorite designs is Flutter.  I love my Flutter tank and skirt. 

Flutter resonates with me because the Monarch Butterfly’s journey in many ways, parallels the journey I take each time I run a marathon.  As marathon #16 approaches, I am reminded of the journey I take in the many months of training all the way to race day and then the daunting 26.2 miles.  Each time I train for a marathon, I go through a life cycle, just as the Monarch Butterfly does. 

The training begins with short 6 milers and progresses to 16 milers to 20 and 22 milers.  Each marathon I have run is analogous to the migration journey the Monarch takes.  The Monarch travels long distances and similarly, the marathon is a long distance.  In the marathon, mile by mile, step after step, the pain and hurt starts to build.  The mental journey is the toughest and I have to dig deep to push through even though my body screams in anguish.  But I know I have trained and I know the many miles I ran in the months prior will help me get through the 26.2. 

And when I have finished the race, I am a changed person in some way.  I am stronger in mind and spirit.  No matter how slow I am going, I am going.  I have met the challenge I put forth for myself.  I am taking the journey again, as I train for my 16th marathon at Long Beach.  I am glad to have my running buddies along side me, too, as this is the best part of the journey.

Check out INKnBURN’s amazing apparel at www.inknburn.com.  Use my code “tamtoldme” for 15% off!